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Cutting stack

Cutting stack

Regular price $400.00 AUD
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This is our Ozzysarms cutting stack!

Gw 501516 x2

Sr-9009 x2

There are different ways to go about the cutting process. Take a slow cut or go with a high deficit in a short time. Either way, it is always important to maintain as much muscle mass as possible during the process. The best SARMS stack combination for cutting would be Cardarine (GW501516), and Stenabolic (SR-9009)

GW501516 benefits

  • Can help promote muscle fiber formation-many supplements that help with fat loss will dissipate muscle mass. This is not the case with Cardarine. Fat can be lost but the muscle will not be depleted
  • Drastic increase in stamina and endurance-workouts can be longer and more intense. The athlete can usually burn more calories.
  • Increased levels of fat dissipation
  • Will not elevate/reduce hormone levels-does not imitate SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators).    Can increase liver function-this results in quicker recovery time after your hard workouts. Some research has shown that users do not have to rest for long periods after a workout. They are able to quickly begin their workouts again.

Stenabolic (SR-9009) is famous for increasing endurance giving a boost in performance. The increase in cardiovascular ability will give an upper hand during workouts or cardio session.

Concentration: 10mg, 20mg

Dose:  20mg per day of Gw501516 / 10mg per day Sr-9009
Cycle Length: 8-12 weeks

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