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Cutting and recovery stack

Cutting and recovery stack

Regular price $420.00 AUD
Regular price $390.00 AUD Sale price $420.00 AUD
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This is our ozzysarms cutting and recovery stack!

Mk-677, hard gainer, x2

Sr-9009, Super Shred, x2

Cutting and recovery stack:


There are different ways to go about the cutting process. Take a slow cut or go with a high deficit in a short time. Either way, it is always important to maintain as much muscle mass as possible during the process. Another SARMS stack combination for cutting would be Mk677, and Stenabolic (SR-9009)

MK-677 is great for recovery! It is one of the few supplements that allows you to build great looking, strong muscles while you are actually getting rid of those annoying fats all around your body. By increasing the oxidation of fats in the body, the MK-677 creates a unique opportunity to eliminate the fats and be left with nothing more than lean, vascular looking muscles!

Stenabolic (SR-9009) is famous for increasing endurance giving a boost in performance. The increase in cardiovascular ability will give an upper hand during workouts or cardio sessions.


Concentration: 10mg, 25mg

Dose: 10mg per day of Sr-9009 / 25mg per day of Mk-677
Cycle Length:
 8-12 weeks

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